WTB List: Dual Mod Shields
Post here with the Skin & Mods of what you have and an asking price or PM me in-game. IGN: Chalupa of Death
1. Has to be one of the skins listed.
2. Has to have one of the mod combinations listed.
3. Must be max armor.
4. Mods can be in any order.
5. Can be any attribute or requirment.
Skins: Only interested in these skins, offers of others will be ignored.
Guardian of the Hunt
Mods: Only interested in these mod combinations, offers of others will be ignored.
+10 vs Piercing
-2 Enchanted
+10 vs Giants
-2 Enchanted [or] -2 In Stance
+10 vs Giants
+HP Mod (Any besides hexed & it doesn't have to be max.)
-2 Enchanted
-2 In Stance
-2 In Stance
-20% Cripple Duration
Amber Aegis (Strength Req)
-5(20%) [or] -2 Enchanted [or] -2 In Stance
+HP 25-30